Monday, January 2, 2012

feeling crafty!

This long three-day weekend was the perfect time to get all the Christmas decorations down... but then our front door looked so sad with no wreath hanging from it! After reading so many great DIY ideas on Pinterest, I knew I could come up with something to hang on my door for Valentine's Day.

So, Kent & I went off to Michael's to wander for inspiration...

I found this great heart-shaped plain wreath for $5 and three different pink-ish/red-ish ribbons each on sale for less than $2....

I covered it with the ribbon that was the widest...

and then cut up the other ribbon into strips, and tied it around repeatedly until this was the finished project:

I LOVE IT! Not bad for $11. ;) Even Chad was very impressed and loved it. It just makes our home feel more cozy to have something warm to walk up to at the end of a long day.

I have a few more other crafts to try soon...

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